1 GRIPS | "nubnose " (Stray Society)
2 DENZEL CURRY AND KENNY BEATS | "Unlocked" (Loma Vista)
3 HALEEK MAUL | "Errol" (Lex)
4 KOOL KEITH | "Saks 5th Ave" (Beast Van)
5 MINK | "Deconstruction" (Rhymesayers)
6 LAST WORD | "FINAL FINAL V2" (Rhymesayers)
7 ATMOSPHERE | "Whenever" (Rhymesayers)
8 SA-ROC | "Hand Of God" [Single] (Rhymesayers)
9 FLOYD IN THE SKY | "Immortal" [Single] (Audiophile PLUS)
10 FAT TONY AND TAYDEX | "Wake Up" (Carpark)
This will be our last Hip Hop chart for a while due to the Coronavirus. We will still be doing our weekly Adds for upcoming and brand new releases.